The Inflation Rates — What do They Mean for Your Mortgage?

Inflation has peaked at 3.7%, showing an incredible increase. What would come next? Would inflation continue to rise in 2021 and 2022? According to Statistics Canada, inflation in Canada reached the highest point in 10 years in July. The damage to the Canadian economy and the extremely high price rises resulted from increased housing costs,… Continue reading The Inflation Rates — What do They Mean for Your Mortgage?

Inverse ETFs on the Rise: How to use Them and Avoid Slips

Inflation and the consequences of Covid-19 continue to impact all investments over the world. In these weird and unpredictable times, inverse ETFs turn into one of the most well-adapted (yet risky) investment options — and here’s why.  How Does an Inverse ETF Work? The latest introduction of the Inverse Bitcoin ETF has made this investment class… Continue reading Inverse ETFs on the Rise: How to use Them and Avoid Slips

Categorized as Inflation

When Inflation is Your New Friend – 5 Situations When It Gets Useful

Inflation is one of the major subjects in the economic conditions of Canada, except for the restricted supply of households. However, it is not always bad.  Although the Bank of Canada has established a target of 2 percent inflation for stabilizing the conditions after the pandemic, Statistics Canada revealed that inflation touched 4.1% on a… Continue reading When Inflation is Your New Friend – 5 Situations When It Gets Useful

Categorized as Inflation