Investing in Copper Might Be Just as Profitable as Gold Now

Gold has long been seen as a successful investment, but it has its disadvantages. Copper appears to be an investment that gives similar returns as gold.  Since the beginning of the pandemic, copper prices have skyrocketed, reaching a huge value of $10,000 per metric ton.  China’s efforts to curb the existing commodities’ boom caused prices… Continue reading Investing in Copper Might Be Just as Profitable as Gold Now

Categorized as Investing

No Money Down Mortgage: All You Need to Get it Safely

No money down mortgage allows home buyers to purchase property with no money required at closing, except standard closing costs. Real estate prices are pretty high everywhere, but those prices are higher than anywhere ever in Canada. Mortgage in Canada is not just an option, and it is the only option most of the time.… Continue reading No Money Down Mortgage: All You Need to Get it Safely

Categorized as Mortgage

How to Make Non-deductible Mortgage Interest Tax Deductible

Use your principal property in two ways to benefit from the tax system in Canada and make mortgage Interest tax deductible. Let’s start from the very basics. Citizens of Canada, like citizens of any other country, are required to pay taxes. The tax system in Canada is based on the principle of self-assessment, which means… Continue reading How to Make Non-deductible Mortgage Interest Tax Deductible

Categorized as Mortgage

Mortgage Broker vs Bank: Everything You Need to Know

People use banks for a mortgage. Now they have more alternatives in the form of mortgage brokers. So, mortgage broker vs bank, which option is better? Difference Between Mortgage Broker and Bank There is a difference between mortgage brokers and banks. The former provides various alternatives for mortgages, while the banks present their services only.… Continue reading Mortgage Broker vs Bank: Everything You Need to Know

Categorized as Mortgage

Bad Credit Line of Credit in Canada: How to Still Get Approval

The instrument of credit line can assist you with covering high costs without paying the exorbitant loan fees related to charging cards. Bad credit line of credit Canada is one of the most popular reasons people get turned around in loan organizations.  How can you cheat the system and get approval with any kind of… Continue reading Bad Credit Line of Credit in Canada: How to Still Get Approval

Categorized as Mortgage